Experience our use case spectrum on applied AI.
Improve Sustainability and optimize Energy Efficiency.
Prevent equipment failure by predicting possible failure occurrence.
Improve the accuracy of detecting online fraudulent transactions to prevent losses.
Discover typical paths followed by particular groups of patients to improve existing careflows.
Predict which products are best for cross-selling to drive successful next best offer campaigns.
100% quality inspections of components by AI-supported real-time models based on PLC & process data.
Thermal imaging-based closed loop system [PLC-DATATRONiQ-Camera] for 24/7 tool monitoring and machine control.
Forecast automotive demand in order to optimize inventory.
Predicting the positive/negative sentiment associated with a given customer support dialogue (email, chatbots and social forums).
Predict the likelihood of a player going inactive in the course of 10 days.
Article performance prediction the moment after it becomes avaliable to the reader.
NLP-based News Classification & Entity Extraction at scale.
Understand the long-term value of your customers to make better-informed, short-term decisions on which customers to prioritize.
Predict subscription based churn in order to optimize customer relations.
Predict the future performance of players based on similar characteristics they share players in the past.